NEW PORT RICHEY, FL (May 3, 2018) – To celebrate Earth Day, the Rotary Club of New Port Richey collaborated with the City of New Port Richey and its Environmental Committee in celebration of a joint project resulting in the planting of several new trees within the city limits at Main Street and & Nebraska Avenue.
The Rotary Club of New Port Richey along with Rotary clubs throughout the world are planting trees representing the number of members in their clubs. The New Port Richey club members planted more than 140 trees to represent its membership, and another 600 seedlings were given to the public by Keep Pasco Beautiful at Arbor Day and for individual plantings by members of the club.
The project idea began when the 2017-2018 Rotary International President, Ian Riseley, promoted sustainability and ecological wellbeing. Trees, he noted in an address at the annual conference, remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the air.
He said that “protecting the environment and curbing climate change are essential to Rotary’s goals of sustainable service, and I’m asking each Rotary District throughout the world to encourage their clubs to plant trees that represent thir number of members.” Environmental degradation and global climate change are serious threats to everyone, noted President Riseley. He added, “They are having a disproportionate impact on those who are most vulnerable, those to whom Rotary has the greatest responsibility.”
With this direction New Port Richey Rotary Club president, Brent Simon, suggested that the club work with the city on both Arbor Day and Earth Day to make this effort a partnered project to be completed by Earth Day in April.
With that, the city created a passive park at Main Street and Nebraska Avenue that highlights a raised planter for native plants, flowers and herbs. It is surrounded by ten trees that include peach, plum, loquat and olive, and the club contributed $2,100 to the city. The dedication took place on Friday, April 20. A plaque on the property recognizes that the trees were provided by the New Port Richey Rotary Club.
The New Port Richey Rotary Club was established in 1959 and meets every Wednesday for lunch at noon at the Spartan Manor in New Port Richey. Brent Simon is the current president of the club for 2107-2108. Rotary International is an organization of business and professional persons united world-wide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
Photo courtesy of Andi Figart